If you're avoiding pork, try this delicious faux sausage, made with ground turkey and a convincing combination of spices! NO pork needed.
As a kid, my favorite pizza was always sausage pizza!
My dad would get take-out at least once a week, alternating between pizza and Chinese food.
It's so nice to be able to eat anything as a kid, isn't it? I'm in quite a rut right now with food, as I'm reacting to so many foods!
I have a couple of doctor appointments lined up that I'm optimistic about, so hopefully, come Fall, I'll be able to create more deliciousness!
This turkey sausage has been on my menu a lot lately, as has ground turkey in general. You won't believe how much this tastes like true sausage crumbles!
How to make homemade ground turkey sausage
One thing that's nice about this recipe is there's NO CHOPPING! No veggies or garlic to cut and fret over.
You just add a bit of oil to a non-stick or stainless steel skillet, along with the ground turkey and spices and let it cook through.
It has been awhile since I've had sausage, but I truly believe I've created something sausage lovers will appreciate!
How to use your ground turkey sausage
I've used these 'crumbles' a number of ways, including:
- As a topping for pizza.
- Mixed with zucchini noodles.
- Sauteed with veggies and brown rice for a tasty stir-fry.
Is ground turkey sausage healthy?
First, let's look a bit at pork and why it may be unhealthy.
Pigs are natural scavengers that will eat pretty much anything, including rotten food and feces.
Unlike animals, such as cows, sheep and goats, it has been written that pigs digest their food within a mere four hours. This is not nearly long enough to remove toxins. Hence, those toxins are potentially stored within the fat cells and organs of the pig itself.
Even worse, they lack the ability to sweat properly, which is extremely important to detoxification.
If that's not enough, pigs are notorious for carrying parasites.
Now, let's take a brief gander at some of the benefits of eating turkey:
- High in protein.
- Great source of selenium, which is good for your thyroid!
- Rich in other vitamins and minerals, most notably iron, magnesium, and vitamin B6.
- It's also a good source of tryptophan, which boosts serotonin in the brain.
Taking all this into consideration, I'd wager that yes, turkey sausage is better than pork!
How do I make this into patties?
If instead of crumbles you prefer patties, just follow this easy method:
- Mix all ingredients together with hands.
- Form into patties of desired size and thickness.
- Place into lightly greased, non-stick skillet on medium high.
- Cook without moving until bottom is dark brown and crusted, about 4-5 minutes.
- Turn over, then reduce heat to medium and cook 8-10 minutes longer or until center is no longer pink and juices run clear.
Recipe notes
For the turkey, I use a combination of dark and light meat that my local Sprouts offers. Using all breast or light meat tends to yield a drier final 'product'. The ideal ratio is 85/15, so 15% fat.
Add the red pepper flakes a little at a time to ensure the dish isn't too spicy.
How To Make Ground Turkey Taste Like Sausage
- 2 teaspoons olive oil
- 1 pound ground turkey
- 1 teaspoon dried sage
- ½ teaspoon fennel seeds
- ¼ teaspoon dried oregano
- ½ - 1 teaspoon sea salt
- ¼ teaspoon black pepper
- ⅛ - ¼ teaspoon red pepper flakes
- Heat the oil in a non-stick skillet over medium heat.
- Add in the turkey and remaining ingredients.
- Cook the turkey through, stirring the spices into the mixture. This takes about 5-10 minutes, depending on the level of browning you like.
If you have a chance to try this recipe, please leave a star rating and a comment below letting me know how you liked it!
Love this! It really tastes like sausage!! Thank you!
Kathleen Eaton
Pigs will eat anything, including other dead pigs.
Pigs also can carry hepatitis, and Yersinosis.
Yersinosis causes terrible gastric distress, AND it can cause arthritis type symptoms
And yes, they do carry parasites as well, which are still in the meat.
If they eat a mouse or other creature infected with Hanta or some other virus or deadly bacteria, they can pick that up as well. And let's not forget the influenza virus, such as the one they called swine flu, which was a combination of a bird flu and swine flue that came together. Flu's kill anywhere from hundreds of thousands of people to millions, depending on the strain. New strains come to the US all the time from other countries.
Speaking of contaminated creatures...
God warns us in His word not to eat or even touch the carcasses of
certain creatures that He calls unclean/impure which means they are contaminated or polluted with something that can harm us. MOST Christians in the world think that the bible says we can eat whatever we want, completely unaware that lack of understanding of certain words in our older English bibles, in addition to errors in the modern language bibles, have contributed to this error as to what God's word really teaches about it.
In the older English bibles, such as the old King James and probably other reformation era and even prior bibles, they use the word sanctified in statements that identify the foods God gave His people to be accepted, and it says that these foods/creatures are "sanctified by the word of God..." The word sanctified does NOT mean cleansed, as at least one lexicon or dictionary I saw asserted. They based their assertion on completely flawed reasoning. They said because the word in the Hebrew that is the counterpart to the one in the New Testament that is translated as sanctified, means cleansed, because it was in a sentence that said a woman was "set apart from her uncleanness" . So because the entire sentence means she was cleansed, they claim that this means the word for "set apart" does too. The problem with this is that sanctified is a synonym for SET APART., Dedicated, separated or separate. It never meant cleansed. Even in the sentence they refer to, the Hebrew counterpart means set apart. Notice that separating something means setting it apart from other things. Dedicating something involves setting something apart from other things for a specific purpose. The meaning of that word has not changed, whether it's in the Old Testament in Hebrew or Aramaic, or the New Testament in Greek. Set apart still means set apart, even if I use it in a sentence to describe something that was done, that resulted in something being cleansed.
So 1 Timothy 4 tells us in the KJV and older majority text and Textus Receptus bibles, that when people who follow deceiving spirits tell us NOT to eat the foods God gave to be accepted to His people, ie to those who know and believe the Truth, we are not to listen to them, because every creature OF God, which He His people to be accepted is "set apart by the Word of God..." It says in many texts, that it's set apart by the Word of God and prayer, and because of this a lot of people think this means it's "sanctified" by prayer as well as by the Word, assuming sanctified means cleansed. But sanctified never meant cleansed... even though some of those modern language bibles have used that word in their bibles. Because a vast majority of people use these "modern language bibles" that have added to the Word of God and changed it instead of translating what it actually says, the error has gone by us for literally hundreds of years, and before that we had words in the bible that people didn't understand... and of course the problem that has probably always been around, that either people didn't have access to or weren't able to read the bible. We need to remember that for a very very long period in history, people were not allowed by the Roman popes to read the bible in their own language, or even to read it for themselves. Books were also very expensive. Many people could not read depending on where or when they lived. I'm not sure at this point when exactly it was that the language evolved in parts of the world from Greek speaking/writing to Latin, but at a certain point after that, when the language further evolved and people began to speak English, the Popes refused to allow people to have bibles in their own language. At some point, bibles were even chained to pulpits. People were even killed for owning a single scripture in their own language prior to the reformation.
So it's easy to see how this could have been missed by most people. And now we have MOST Christians reading "modern language" bibles that have literally been changed, even if in just certain spots and in subtle ways - they have embedded error into those bibles by adding words to 1 Timothy 4 . Other passages that we assume confirm the assumption that we can eat whatever we want, are misunderstood as well.
In the KJV and older bibles, 1 Timothy 4 says
In this passage, the apostle is saying that those who follow deceiving spirits and the teachings of demons, were forbidding people to marry, and commanding them to abstain from foods God created to be accepted by those that believe and know the truth...
"....for every creature OF God is good, and nothing [of them] to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving: For IT IS SANCTIFIED [SET APART] BY THE WORD OF GOD. and prayer. "
I don't know whether the words "and prayer" were added in a margin somewhere and it got incorporated into the text or not. But it doesn't help unfortunately , when people assume that "sanctified" means cleansed. It never did, I can't say that enough.
The modern language bibles CHANGED this passage, either based on their own private interpretation, which the Word tells us not to do - we are also not to add or take away from God's word - or they may have used the "new Greek Text" of Westcott and Hort which is based on corrupted manuscripts, where they picked and chose what they wanted to include, from texts that had thousands of changes all over them. There was even a note on one of them, which had been put together by three scribes, where one of them got irritated at the other, and told them to quit changing the text! The vaticanus, Sinaiticus and Alexandrinus are corrupt and they were declared so by a leading bible scholar of the time, approximately 100 years ago. The majority texts however, which the KJV and other bibles were translated from, are in agreement with each other .. even though there are thousands of manuscripts, they only vary in spelling and maybe leaving out Jesus and putting Christ, or vice versa . None of those differences change doctrine, and again, the differences are minor things like the spelling of a word or one might say Jesus while the other says Christ.
"Modern language bibles" literally change 1 Timothy 4 to read that
Every creature God MADE, or Every creature God CREATED are not to be refused, changing the truth of God to teach ERROR and a serious sin. Most people don't realize how dangerous it is to eat unclean/contaminated/polluted creatures, but God forbids it. We are not even to intentionally touch their carcasses. I would go further and say that God would not want us touching those creatures bodies, and even with pets I would recommend washing your hands after handling them, because all of those creatures might carry something. There is a protein in - either all cats or just some of them ,not sure which - in a cat's saliva, for example, that can literally BLIND you if it gets in your eye. There was a woman who went blind because her cat licked her eyeball. I'm not saying we can't have cats. But I would not let any cat I had go outside, because they can pick up deadly viruses and bacteria, especially because of their habit of preying upon birds, squirrel and other wild creatures that DO carry deadly viruses, bacteria etc. There are many creatures in the wild carrying deadly viruses, including Hanta and the Black plague., even in the US.
SO this all started about pigs, but I am trying to alert people of the dangers.
God opened my eyes to this when I started praying about it and looking closer at those passages in the bible, because of hearing about how nasty pigs are ie the parasites in the meat. I thought... WHY would God let us eat something that has parasites in the meat??? So I was praying and looking at those scriptures, and looked up sanctified, which I always ASSUMED meant cleansed, and my jaw literally dropped in shock when I saw it's actual meaning. There are bibles by the way that now use the word cleansed instead of sanctified. That is NOT it's meaning, that is satan chipping away at the Word of God to lead people astray by getting someone to wrongly believe that and put it in a Dictionary or lexicon. Languages do evolve, but that was NEVER the meaning of sanctified, or consecrated which are synonyms of the word for set apart, dedicated, separated.
"Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, and will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty. " 2 Corinthians 6:17-18
"But fornication, and all UNCLEANNESS, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints;
4Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks.
5For this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor UNCLEAN PERSON, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.:"
Ephesians 5:3-7
Galatians 5 also warns that whoever continues in the "actions of the flesh" , which are all sins , and God's laws are against them all, will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Uncleanness is listed there as well.
There is also a passage that warns us to abstain from the pollutions of this world. Pollution is another word for unclean, impure, contaminated, etc. Even in the book of the Revelation of John, also known as the apocalypses, we see that the "whore of Babylon" (Rome) has a golden cup that is full of "abominations and the uncleanness of her fornication". The word fornication can be used figuratively, and God has used it when rebuking His people for going after other "lovers" , either joining to other nations and their ways, and/or following after false gods, pagan practices etc. He likens it to a wife cheating on her husband, or to a prostitute, His people selling themselves for food, clothing, gold, silver, gems or other gain. .
I know this is a very full explanation, but I am trying to help people understand.
I don't know if you are American or European or even from another country, but there are Christians all around the world, so everyone that can be told about this should be.
I didn't share it so much because of it's sinfulness. A lot of people do it in ignorance because we have been taught wrong in Christianity for centuries, maybe even thousands of years. I believe the earliest "gentile" Christians probably knew, but it wasn't long before the apostles died for their faith, and gentiles began leading gentiles, and errors and deception started to come into the churches. We even had "Christians" in Alexandria, Egypt, teaching new converts to Christianity that they should understand the bible in the "light" of pagan teaching, and bringing in pagan practices. I believe they were pagans who probably pretended to be Christian , because paganism was outlawed in the Roman Empire. Regardless of the reasons, or the deception, the church has not been in a great place for much of the past 2000 years, and people often relied on teachers or preachers.. and as Jesus and the apostles warned, people were secretly bringing false teaching into the churches. Peter calls them "damnable heresies." Many assume that since the Word of God says this will happen "in the last days" that it's some future time, totally missing that in Hebrews 1 we find that we are IN the Last days, and have been since Jesus came the first time.
So I know this is a lot, but I am commenting here so you and others can see why pigs (and other unclean creatures) are dangerous to eat, in ways you may not have known yet. God links our obedience of His word to our health ... I believe this is in part why that is. The sicknesses of Egypt were related to the practices they had. Part of that was what they ate.
uncleanness is literally a sin that can cause hundreds of thousands to millions of people to get sick and die. The Spanish flu killed 50 MILLION people worldwide, alone. God tried to tell us what to do to not get these diseases.. gave us His laws for our protection.
Sadly the people did not have access to the bible as much as they should have, or maybe they could not read and had to rely on preachers who did have a bible. But even preachers and under Rome, Priests, were ignorant of the teachings. Even today I have found that I know more of the scriptures than the priest who preached at the church my family went to. He told me so. Christianity is not in a good place. We are like Israel when they adopted the practices and even gods of the pagans around them. Not everyone is adopting false gods, but the practices are being brought into churches through others who claim to be Christians, books, magazines, youtube, you name it. But God and the apostles warned us to be on guard and not fall for it. To know His word and to teach our children.. but when we are not able to know His word or we fail to teach our children, or we think our bibles are fine, and even "more accurate" than older versions, but the truth is they are teaching us to do what God said not to....
People are eating unclean things, or handling the flesh of those creatures, and they are getting very very sick. Many who think they have "arthritis" probably have yersinosis. It can be treated with steroids if I am not mistaken, but I don't know if steroids are safe. God can also heal us. I have had supernatural healing of an infection that could have killed me. I have also been healed of "arthritis" achey joints etc. For those who believe, make sure you aren't sinning, confess any sins you now of to God, confess your belief in Jesus to Him if you haven't already and ask His forgiveness, commit your life to living in His ways and learning them. KJV is not perfect. It uses "Easter" instead of the word passover one place because they didn't realize the name of their celebration of Jesus was the name of a pagan celebration of a false goddess. (whose symbols are bunnies and eggs). The passage that says "be angry and sin not" means don't be angry and don't sin. Its not telling us it's ok to be angry. We should realize that when we see Paul telling us to put off all anger and malice. Or when the scripture says that anger does not work the righteousness of God. There is a verse where it's talking in the Old Testament about how to take off the head of a bird that has been sacrificed. We don't do it anymore obviously, not for paying for sins.. but the KJV chose the wrong word out of ignorance. Their bible says to wring the neck off, but the other meaning of the word there is to NIP . Since God's word says we are not to eat things strangled, nip is clearly the right word, and saying to "wring it off" is serious error. Also, when it says that the flesh desires against the Spirit, and the Spirit [of God] against the flesh, "so that you cannot do what you would" It does NOT mean we are incapable of resisting sin and doing what is right. What it means is we are NOT to do what we want, because the flesh wants things that are against the Spirit of God, and GOD wants what is opposite the flesh. They are opposed to each other, so that you are not to do what you want. The word cannot .. maybe it was understood differently in King James English, but other passages prove that it's not saying we can't do what is right. It's saying we are not to , so .. can't. It's like saying I can't go somewhere, because my parent won't let me. I'm not supposed to, so I say, I can't do that. Other passages say that if we walk in the Spirit we will NOT perform the actions of the flesh. That passage saying "so that you cannot do what you would" confused me for a long time. I couldn't figure out why it would say that since it wasn't true. But then a pastor .. oddly the same one letting wrong things into his church and teaching other errors .. claiming you don't need a teacher because you have the holy spirit, or you don't need a prophet, because you have the holy spirit (he might as well have said you don't need a pastor too! and why are they teaching people if they don't need a teacher?)... this is the guy that explained that passage, lol. He is confused, has some blind spots, but I am praying for him , the other pastors and the congregation. He let his people be led into some serious bad stuff.. "meditation and mindfulness" not only is it pagan and forbidden by God, but its also dangerous. It can get people demonized, and/or cause mental health problems. I tend to think it's a demon, for good reason. The doctors claim it's "psychosis", but that's of course a term that simply indicates a person's thinking is compromised.
Anyway, Sorry this is so long. But when talking of how the modern language bibles are leading people into serious and dangerous errors, it's important to explain what bible to use (KJV is the better of the ones I have seen), and then I have to explain that it's not perfect, and what to watch out for, ie the misunderstandings and the error of using the word "Easter"... and of course, I have to make you aware of what "uncleanness" or "impurity" and "pollutions" "detestable things" and "abominations" is really indicating (abominations can be other sins as well, but in context in Revelation, it's food or drink because it's things in her cup, and something unclean)and why its so dangerous. Because without a full explanation, sadly many will just assume I am wrong. It's hard for them to believe that for 2000 years Christianity has gotten something wrong, but they are not thinking of what happened during those 2000 years. Satan has been working hard to keep us distracted, keep the word away from us, and attacking true believers in all that time. There ARE other believers who know the truth of these things... they just either aren't speaking up, or.. I'm not sure why. I know there was one that I met at that church who knows some of the same things I do, thinks he can do more good there than leaving,... but how can he do good unless he is telling people? Maybe he is telling them but doing it behind the scenes, I don't know.
Sorry this is so much info, but I hope you agree it's worth it.
If you don't believe in God, then my apologies, but I still hope you
will leave it up because the health info related to this is absolutely true.
I did research during the pandemic, and found that every deadly virus, bacteria,
toxins and parasites are carried by creatures God tells us are unclean/contaminated
and commands us not to eat or touch their carcasses. I think people were not
in the habit back then of touching the live animals.. except maybe camels.
Camels carry MERS though... don't go to petting zoos and let the creatures spit in your face. I'm pretty sure they spit. smh. Even their milk can carry MERS.
I hope this info helps, and that you will consider not eating unclean creatures anymore if you do eat any of them, in case this is the reason for your health issues.
I pray God will heal you, and help you find the source if it's not that.
I also hope you will share this info. While I don't have a video up yet on the bible corruption, I do have a video up re the unclean creatures. It probably needs to be more thorough, so I hope to do another with info from the other scriptures.
At this point though, if you want an easy way to share at least the uncleanness part,
you can find my videos at Youtube.com/c/EzekielsCall
.I wish you all the best with your health and with your blog.
Kathleen Eaton
I forgot to say thanks for the recipe.
I look forward to trying it!